Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Rally Point

More than a decade ago I got hold of one of the earlier versions of Oracle Application Express (APEX / HTML-DB), and I was immediately hooked.  Over the years the one thing that APEX did not have was a component I’d seen in larger more expensive systems that had less flexibility than APEX ever will.  Workflow.  

So more than a few years ago I began an attempt to create such an engine for the Oracle database and for Oracle Application Express.  The key goals were to produce a solution that was full-featured, yet easy to use, powerful, yet inexpensive. (should I decide to market it)

Enter Relay Workflow.  You can see my posting for the First Look at . Obviously, there is still more to do but I feel it is close enough to start showing and talking about it. 

Why Relay Workflow?  First, at times, I am an electronics hobbyist and the relay is a perfect concept of a logic component.  Second, in my younger days I was a competitive runner and the relay race was one of my favorite since it took an individual sport and with the simple addition of a baton having to change hands elevated it to a team sport requiring a bit of skill.

Why did it take so long?  I’m human; I have a family, a full-time job, dogs, and other real-life things that take up time. I would not have had it any other way to be truthful.

But now it has a name, enough function and presence to become real for me, and I aim to make it real for others too.

Stay Tuned.